
Acne Scars Don’t Have to Last Forever

Fairy tales do come true. Vibrant, radiant skin after acne is more than a possibility. It is a reality. Best of all, thanks to the magic of modern medicine and technology the results will last long after the clock strikes midnight.  Your skin’s texture can be restored and the indentations left behind, repaired.  Your confidence and self –esteem will return as you face the world with glowing, clear skin.

Our weapons of choice to regenerate the beauty of your skin include light therapy (lasers), radio frequency and platelet rich plasma. The techniques we choose for you are customized to the condition of your skin and your skin tone. Many of the treatments and technologies we offer are based on the science of rebuilding collagen, a natural healer in the body.

Lasers are your friend when it comes to restoring collagen. Not all lasers are alike and we have a variety of light technologies to coax your skin back to its natural state of beauty.  Below are a few of the ways we address acne scarring:

PicoSure Focus:

This non-invasive laser treatment focuses on problem areas and evens out the skin.  It is gentle and may be used to treat problem spots like hyperpigmentation.  There is minimal discomfort and no significant downtime.


May be recommended as a less intensive laser treatment.  CoolBreeze helps replenish collagen and rebuild the skin. As the collagen is produced the scars begin to disappear. Treatments take about 10-30 minutes and there is no downtime. Repeat treatments may be required.

Infini RF Microneedling:

Infini operates on radio-frequency rather than on laser-light.  Infini RF bypasses the top layer of the skin, making it a good option for ethnic and darker skin tones.   It addresses the scars beneath the surface of the skin and radio-frequency can adjusted to the depth of the scars.

Fraxel and CO2 Dot Therapy:

Fraxel is the brand name for a fractional laser.  A fractional laser light is fractured into thousands of tiny treatment zones.  Think “pixalated.” There are two types of fractional lasers: Fraxel and the CO2 (carbon dioxide) system.

Fraxel repairs mild to moderate acne scarring and the CO2 laser, which is more powerful, works on deeper acne scars.

Platelet Rich Plasma:

PRP is a natural way to address acne scarring.  A portion of the patient’s own blood is injected alone or together with dermal filler to stimulate collagen and regenerate healing.

Now is the time to break the spell of acne scarring and regain your self-assurance.  Dr. Douglas Key is an expert in regenerative medicine.  Contact him here and begin your journey to happiness.

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