Category Archives: Fraxel Laser

The Best Skincare Products for Oily/Dry/Combination/Sensitive Skin

Regardless of your skin type, age, lifestyle, genetics, or the climate where you live, you will encounter challenges every day on the best way to take care of your skin. The careful skin regimen you have been following for years may not be working as well for you now that you are a little older…. Read More

Fraxel FAQs- Your Questions… Answered

Are you thinking about a laser treatment, but aren’t sure where to start? The Fraxel laser is a popular, versatile choice and a patient favorite here at Key Laser. If the thought of lasers makes you think of a cheesy Sci-Fi film, keep reading. We’ll answer some of our most commonly answered questions about Fraxel… Read More

The Best Non-Invasive Treatments for Looking Younger

When people think of effective ways to turn back time on their aging, they usually go to more drastic options, like cosmetic surgery. Now, thanks to cutting-edge advancements in cosmetic technology, non-surgical treatments are providing more effective treatments without the need for long recovery times and drastic side effects. The best doctors know that not… Read More

What Can I Do to Treat a Wrinkled Chest?

Is a wrinkled, sun-damaged chest giving away the secret of your age? Some women are so self-conscious about having a wrinkled chest, they avoid wearing anything with a V-neckline. The chest and neck—also called the décolletage—is often overlooked when it comes to putting on lotion and sunscreen. It’s forgotten until one horrifying day when you… Read More

Calling All Moms: Ditch the Expensive Stretch Mark Creams!

You love your babies, but we’re guessing that you don’t feel the same way about your stretch marks. The rapid expansion of the skin during pregnancy can lead to stretch marks, streaks, grooves, or stripes on the skin that occur when the dermis tears. What’s a girl to do? The secret to restoring your skin… Read More

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