Category Archives: Infini

If You Haven’t Heard of INFINI for Skin Rejuvenation, You are in for a Treat!

Beautiful, flawless skin. It doesn’t matter what age you are, we all want the same thing, but for many the skin of our dreams seems unattainable. Acne scars, sun damage, and simply aging all take a toll and we’ve just come to accept our skin for what it is. Well, I’m here to tell you… Read More

What Are My Options for Skin Tightening?

Do you have a turkey neck? Bingo wings? A mommy muffin? Showing up anywhere on the body, loose skin is a common sign of aging. After pregnancy or weight loss, it is practically inevitable. The solution isn’t spending hours at the gym (this tightens muscles, not skin) but, instead, coming into Key Laser for a… Read More

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