Tag Archives: injectables

Which Injectables Are Right for Me?

Aesthetic medicine is a continually evolving discipline. In past decades, your only options for cosmetic enhancements included surgical solutions, which involve risk, recovery, and downtime. Now, we have an array of minimally invasive choices to offer our patients. The Key Laser Institute offers injectable treatments to provide quick, and convenient cosmetic improvements to gain and… Read More

How to Maintain Injectable Results While Under Quarantine

2020 has been challenging, and we have all faced unprecedented times. Along with the many other ramifications brought on by the pandemic, many are unable to schedule cosmetic treatments as they usually would. Treatment interruptions can wreak havoc on patients who depend on injectable treatments like Botox and dermal fillers to look their best. If you are someone who… Read More

Beyond Botox: Your Complete Guide to Injectables

So you’ve tried Botox, and you love it! Fewer wrinkles with no downtime, what’s not to love? But Botox isn’t the only injectable treatment available. Just like you found out when they discontinued your favorite Ben & Jerry’s ice cream (RIP, Wavy Gravy), there are other options out there. Let’s move beyond Botox and explore… Read More

Let Your Beauty Bloom This Spring with Botox

Flowers are blooming, but why should they have all the fun? This spring come into Key Laser and let your beauty blossom. With Botox you can smooth away those pesky wrinkles and embrace a younger looking you. What Is Botox? Every time you smile, laugh, cry, or frown, your muscles contract. This pushes and pulls… Read More

Botox Maintenance: How Often Should I Get Botox?

Botox is practically a miracle: it doesn’t just provide instant rejuvenation, it’s non-invasive, long-lasting, and incredibly safe. Botox has been the standard for facial rejuvenation for decades, but like most beauty regimens, it has its very own routine. The good news is, like its procedure, Botox maintenance is quite simple. How Does Botox Work? Botox… Read More

Botox Before Wrinkles? The Benefits of Getting Botox Before Wrinkles Become a Problem

Sure, Botox has been around forever, and it’s probably one of the most popular anti-aging procedures in the world, but there’s a new wave of Botox users responsible for the latest resurgence in popularity: people in their 20s. While Botox is typically seen as a way to temporarily reverse already existing wrinkles and lines, more… Read More

How Can Kybella Help Me?

A double chin. How can such a small part of your body ruin so much? A double chin is that little bit of extra fat under your chin that can make your face look heavier and older than it really is. A double chin can also make a man’s jawline look less contoured and masculine…. Read More

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