
Repair Skin Damage With IPL Treatments

Skin damage can be frustrating, causing unsightly facial blemishes and affecting self-confidence. Imperfections can develop due to excess sun exposure, or as part of the natural aging process.

Whether you suffer from sun damage, age spots, or other skin flaws, you don’t have to accept these skin issues. Intense pulsed light therapy employs advanced cosmetic technology to repair skin for a youthful appearance. IPL treatment quickly reduces or eliminates any uneven pigmentation to leave you with fresh, young, and radiant skin.

Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Douglas Key is proud to offer cutting-edge IPL therapy for patients of all ages. He employs this powerful energy to reach and eliminate uneven pigmentation without further damaging the skin surface. Intense pulsed light can make a significant difference in your skin quality and self-esteem.

IPL Treats Damaged Skin

Skin damage results from several causes, including life choices and the natural aging process. Over the years, you may spend too much time in the sun or develop age spots or rosacea. IPL therapy helps minimize uneven skin tone and irritation caused by:

  • Broken blood vessels
  • Age spots
  • Freckles or birthmarks
  • Sun damage
  • Unwanted hair
  • Rosacea

Skin damage can be challenging to correct, but IPL therapy proves to be a powerful tool to resolve it. Our team can develop a customized treatment plan employing versatile IPL technology to target skin imperfections.

In a series of 30-minute sessions, we prepare your skin and complete the IPL treatment, providing a topical anesthetic for your comfort and dark glasses to protect your eyes from the bright light.

How IPL Works

Also known as photorejuvenation, IPL treatments are different than the traditional laser treatment. While laser treatment uses a single wavelength, IPL harnesses multiple wavelengths of light — like a photo flash — to correct skin damage.

The scattered wavelengths penetrate the top layer of your skin, reaching underlying skin layers without harming the surface. As a result, IPL therapy is more effective and less damaging than other light treatments. The targeted light reaches the dermis to heat skin pigment and correct uneven tones.

For the most part, patients are comfortable during IPL treatment. However, you may feel some stinging or tingling as the IPL treatment treats your skin. In addition, you may experience redness or swelling after each session. Still, the side effects should fade in a day or so.

Multiple treatment sessions deliver the best results possible. To keep your skin safe after each session, be sure to follow our recovery guidelines.

Schedule Your No-Obligation IPL Consultation

While IPL therapy is a flexible option to treat damaged skin, it’s not for everyone. After meeting with you and learning more about your medical history and cosmetic goals, Dr. Key will recommend the best option for skin damage correction. IPL is often an excellent solution for patients with lighter skin.

If you wish to address frustrating skin damage with IPL treatments and improve your skin condition by eliminating age spots, freckles, rosacea, or other pigmentation issues, reach out to our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Key.

Call (503) 291-1953 or book an appointment today!

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