
Behold: The Wonder of ThermiVA Enhancement with PRP


When it comes to feminine rejuvenation, it’s hard to beat the power of ThermiVa. There is a way, however, to make this already effective treatment even more amazing. When you combine its RF energy collagen building abilities with the power of Platelet Rich Plasma—a concentrate of your body’s own healing messenger cells—it becomes a life-changing treatment.

At Key Laser, we have used ThermiVA over the past year to help our patients with female rejuvenation. For them, this means far more than just intimate appearance. In fact, it goes well beyond this to provide much needed help with leakage control, discomfort, and lack of vaginal moisture. These are the concerns that have been brought to us by 90% of our patients, as they have caused embarrassment and anguish in their lives.

ThermiVa has definitely been effective in treating our patients, but combining it with PRP goes above and beyond for patients who need the most help with urinary incontinence, sensation, and painful issues of dryness.

ThermiVA treatments are gentle and easy and, fortunately, so is the addition of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). At the conclusion of your ThermiVa treatment, numbing cream is applied and a special single tube of blood is drawn from your arm. This sample is taken and used to create your own Platelet Rich Plasma, which is then injected into those ThermiVa areas of greatest need. The foremost of these needs is urinary incontinence, and the PRP enhances collagen support for optimal healing. In essence, we are using your body’s own healing power to give you an even more advanced treatment.

It was a pleasure to be present at an integrative workshop on the combined use of ThermiVa and PRP this May in Laguna Beach, California, with the esteemed Dr. Red Alinsod. What we concluded is this is the beginning of a new and crucial dimension in ThermiVA treatment. At Key Laser, we have made the use of PRP an integral part of our aesthetic regenerative practice of medicine, shortening healing times after laser treatments and promoting healthier skin.

Want to know more about this revolutionary procedure? Call us and schedule a consultation today.

-Dr. Douglas Key

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