In Portland, OR
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Introducing Fraxel Laser Treatments to Portland and Beaverton Patients
Fraxel is a popular skin resurfacing laser that improves skin tone, texture, and overall radiance. This is a fractional laser – treating only a fraction of the skin – targeting damaged skin cells to promote the skin’s natural healing process to produce new cells.
Areas of Concern
Fraxel is great for treating:
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Mild acne scars
- Stretch marks
- Sun damage and age spots
- Hyperpigmentation, including melasma
Schedule your consultation for Fraxel in Portland, OR, with Dr. Douglas Key and the team at Key Laser by contacting us online today!
Considering Fraxel Laser Treatments in Portland? Read Our Clients’ Experiences
How Fraxel Laser Works
Fraxel light energy stimulates your skin’s natural collagen, rejuvenating skin cells below the surface to help smooth the creases and pockets that cause wrinkles and scars. Fraxel only treats targeted problem areas – so the results are focused and effective.
Why Choose Key Laser for Fraxel Laser Treatments in Portland?
As with any laser or light treatment, it is essential to choose a well-trained clinical provider who is taught under the direct supervision of a physician specializing in cosmetic laser medicine. You can be confident in the skills of our highly experienced aestheticians and nurses.
Schedule your consultation for Fraxel in Portland, OR, by contacting us online today!
What You Can Expect From Our Portland Fraxel Laser Treatments

Before Your Fraxel Laser Treatment
Before your Fraxel laser treatment, your provider will make sure you know exactly what to expect and how to prepare for your appointment. We suggest that Fraxel treatments be done in packages of 3 treatments about 3-4 weeks apart. Although treatment takes about one hour, you should allow for a 2-hour visit.
During Your Fraxel Laser Treatment
There can be some discomfort during treatment. Our trained providers will apply numbing cream to the area prior to treatment. Some patients choose to take an over-the-counter pain reliever to minimize discomfort. The cold airflow of our new Fraxel Dual Platform is an important factor in making your treatment more comfortable.
After Your Fraxel Laser Treatment
A few hours after your treatment, you may feel a sunburn-like sensation in your treatment area. You can experience swelling and redness, followed by light flaking for 4-7 days as the old skin cells slough off and smooth new skin emerges. The full improvement from Fraxel treatments emerges within 2-3 months after the last treatment in your series.
FAQs About Our Fraxel Laser Treatments
How Much Do Fraxel Laser Treatments Cost?
The cost of Fraxel laser treatments can vary depending on the size of your treatment area, how many treatments you need, and more. We are able to provide an accurate cost based on your skincare needs when you book a consultation with one of our providers.
What Can Fraxel Treatments Do?
Fraxel laser treatments can reveal smoother, fresher, younger-looking skin. Treatment results tend to improve over time with the natural turnover of skin cells, resulting in full improvement 2-3 months after your final treatment.
How Many Fraxel Appointments Would I Need?
The number of treatments you may need depends on the skin concern you want to treat. For most patients, we suggest 3 treatments. During your consultation, we are able to assess your skin and provide an accurate number of treatments to help achieve your desired results.
What if Fraxel Isn't Right For Me?
We offer a wide variety of skin resurfacing laser treatments at Key Laser Institute. If Fraxel laser treatments aren’t right for you, other potential treatments could include:
Schedule a free consultation today to learn which laser treatment may be the best fit for you in terms of results, cost, time, and convenience.
Dr. Key looks forward to speaking with you!
The content within this page should not be used in place of direct medical advice/treatment and is solely for informational purposes.
Learn more about this treatment by checking out the Fraxel website.