
Expert Tips on How to Maintain Your Beauty Routine From Home

For many of us, it takes a team of specialists to ensure we look our best. We have our stylist for our favorite cut and color, a manicurist for perfect nails, and an aesthetician for unwanted body hair. And if we’re smart, we see a skilled dermatologist for our skin health. But optimal skincare is so much more than scheduling a routine visit to your nearest spa or salon. It’s also about maintaining your beauty routine from home.

Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Douglas Key and his team created this helpful list of home treatments to keep your skin looking young and radiant.

Keep It Clean

Proper skin cleansing goes beyond washing your face and getting behind your ears. It requires unique formulations that are gentle, yet thorough, so your skin is free from breakouts and clogged pores. Finding the right cleanser may require a consultation. Here are some popular products our patients find helpful for daily use.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Regardless of whether you’re running five miles a day or spending endless hours on the couch binge-watching Netflix, your skin needs moisture to stay full and healthy. This practice requires hydrating your skin from within and without. Drinking two liters of water daily will provide your body what it needs to stay hydrated; you’ll need more if you are sweating it out physical activity.

Your skin requires water to remain taut and full. Here are some products we recommend that can help hydrate your skin at the surface by retaining skin moisture.


Sun exposure is both healthy and not. Your body needs sunshine to produce vitamin D, but Too much exposure will dry skin and cause pigmentation issues. It’s vital to protect your skin from dangerous UV rays while outdoors. Practice this discipline whether you’re in your swimsuit or business attire. Here are some products we find useful in protecting your skin every day.


As we age, we are in a constant battle to ensure our skin looks radiant, bright, and healthy. Tight skin keeps us looking young. That’s why we must get the proper nutrients and correction as we practice our in-home skin care. Here are some products that can restore your skin to a youthful appearance.

Learn More

For more details about how you can make a difference in your skin health from home, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We can recommend a treatment plan that includes products you can use at home with corrections we administer at our advanced clinic.

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