
How to Keep Your Skin Healthy & Avoid Sun Damage

Although summer is gone and fall is here, the sun takes no holiday. More time in the sun means a higher risk of damaged skin. So, to ensure that you do what is necessary to protect your skin against the sun’s harmful UV rays, here are some helpful suggestions.

Choose the Right Sunscreen

If there is one skincare product that you should be right about when choosing, it’s your sunscreen. This product is crucial for you when you are exposed to direct sunlight. It also helps while you are in a car or work indoors close to a window. When sunlight finds you, it will attack your skin and potentially cause harm. That’s why it’s not only important to wear sunscreen, but vital that you choose the right one.

SPF is something we often hear when discussing sunscreen products. But what does it mean? The answer is simple: if your sunscreen has a factor of 10, then, while wearing it on your skin, you can stay out in the sun 10 times longer than without it before you burn. We recommend you use a sunscreen product rated no less than SPF 30. Apply it liberally and periodically throughout the day. If you are in direct sunlight, then you should reapply every hour or so. More, if you are swimming or sweating.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

When possible, stay out of direct sunlight, and avoid artificial tanning devices as well. The most powerful UV rays are at midday when the sun is high in the sky. Be sure to also dress the part. You would be surprised how a wide-brimmed hat can protect your face against sun damage. Check your local UV index and dress accordingly. This index predicts how intense the sun’s UV rays will be on any given day at noon. You can generally find this index online.

Other things to be aware of:

  • Harmful UV rays reflect off the water and light-colored surfaces (snow, sand, and concrete). Reflected UV rays may double the amount of the sun’s intensity.
  • UV rays reach below the surface of the water—three feet of water blocks 20% of UV rays.
  • Use sunscreen on cloudy days when UV strength is at 80%.
  • Daily sunscreen use is essential, since the intermittent application is much less protective.
  • Wear lightweight, tightly-woven clothing and hats with broad brims.

If you would like more information about proper skincare, call Key Laser Institute for Cosmetic Regenerative Medicine at (503) 291-1953 or schedule a consultation online today.

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