
Get Plumper Lips This Valentine’s Day With Restylane

Pucker up this Valentine’s Day and give a soft, smooth kiss with your new lips from Restylane. This fantastic dermal filler family delivers natural, tailored lip contours that will enhance your beauty for the most romantic night of the year. Are you looking for little ways to keep your appearance more youthful? If so, Restylane lip enhancement can plump your lips back into shape and diminish those fine lines around them.

Why Restylane?

Restylane is a family of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers used to plump your cheeks and lips, and smooth out wrinkles. It is the first dermal filler using hyaluronic acid, a natural sugar found in the body’s neural and connective tissues. It is a flexible injectable treatment useful for:

  • Adding volume and shape to the lips
  • Correcting crow’s feet
  • Shaping and contouring cheeks and chin
  • Filling in hollow temples and prominent tear troughs under the eyes
  • Correcting nasolabial folds

Restylane injections help stimulate collagen production, adding temporary support to the skin’s structure. It replaces lost volume, resulting in fuller lips and smoother skin. Patients enjoy immediate benefits after one visit, with results typically lasting 10 to 12 months.

Which Restylane Formulation Do I Need?

To treat thin lips and the vertical lines around the mouth, you need an injectable filler proven to get the job done. Restylane fills this bill with two fantastic products: Restylane Silk and Restylane Voluma.

Restylane Silk

Restylane Silk is excellent to use in and around the lips. It plumps and fills the lips and small lines that occur with age. It can create sensually shaped lips with natural fullness, leaving them irresistibly kissable.

Restylane Silk boosts skin hydration to lift and smooth over fine lines, creating a natural fullness. When performed by a skilled injector, your customized treatment can provide benefits like these.

  • Increase lip volume and enhance contours.
  • Enhance the vermilion border for a more sculpted look.
  • Increase lip definition to provide more shape.

Restylane Silk’s unique formulation supports lip movements like smiling, talking, kissing, and laughing. It is also a long-lasting product.

Restylane Voluma

While designed as an excellent facial filler, Voluma works wonders for the lips. If you have a fast metabolism or have constant lip motion, it can be the best solution for longer-lasting results. Unlike Restylane Silk, it is off-label for lips. For your safety, you should always have your injections administered by a board-certified dermatologist experienced in skin structures and skin health.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Feb. 14 is right around the corner. To make sure you look your best for that special someone, schedule your consultation today. Call (503) 291-1953 or contact us online.

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