
5 Ways Laser Treatments Reduce Acne Scarring

Acne is the most common skin condition in America, affecting over 85% of people between 12 and 24. Over 50 million people struggle with acne, and many of them will deal with the resulting scarring for the rest of their lives. There is terrific news, however. Dermatology and laser technology have advanced therapies to reduce or eliminate these unsightly blemishes.

Treating acne scarring requires a flexible treatment plan to deliver results to your unique skin condition and scarring concerns. Our Key Laser aesthetic team offers manifold corrections: PicoSure FocusCoolBreeze, Gentle Yag, CO2 DOTG laser therapy, Fraxel laser skin resurfacing, and intense pulsed light.

These multiple treatments use different approaches to resolve acne scarring, as you will learn below.

1. Remove Dead Skin Layers

Acne scars form when the skin cell structure experiences damage, which prevents the skin from healing correctly. The skin rebuilds rapidly and unpredictably when the acne wound heals, resulting in a cluster of dead cells forming a scar.

Fractional skin resurfacing is a useful acne scarring treatment delivering a controlled laser split into thousands of microlight threads. These threads focus on the treatment site, inducing thousands of microscopic injuries to stimulate the body’s natural healing process. It diminishes the outer layer of deformed scar cells, allowing for a uniform healing process. The results are a smoother skin texture and a reduction of acne scars.

2. Treat Large or Small Areas

Acne breakouts appear on a broad spectrum ranging from mild to severe — the worse the acne is, the more prominent the scarring will be. Laser treatments are especially successful in resolving small areas like the nose or larger skin patches covering the jawline, cheeks, and forehead.

3. Treat Various Skin Depths

When acne scarring penetrates deep into the dermis, the skin cells experience damage well under the skin. For these types of acne scarring, treatment must be effective in inflicting micro-injuries into the underlying tissues without affecting surrounding healthy tissue in the area.

Fraxel skin resurfacing is an excellent treatment or dermal fillers which volumize deep into the skin. Results are a leveling out of the skin and acne scar reduction.

4. Stimulate Collagen Production

Collagen production is a critical process to keep our skin healthy and smooth. PicoSure Focus, CoolBreeze, IPL, and Gentle YAG offer reduced scarring over larger surface areas to improve tone and texture.

5. Minimal Downtime

When choosing laser treatments to resolve acne scarring, downtime for healing is minimal. This convenience is perfect for patients who are always on the go with work or play. The skin will be sensitive after treatment, and patients should avoid the sun, but it shouldn’t wreak too much havoc on your daily routine.

Call (503) 291-1953 or schedule a consultation today to schedule your laser consultation with Key Laser!

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