
Dr. Key Travels the World for the Latest in Cosmetic Regenerative Medicine – Part 3 & 4

The last post about Dr. Key‘s trip to Paris for the 2013 International Masters Course in Aging Skin (IMCAS):

What’s Hot on Saturday. Simply put, “PRP,” platelet rich plasma, which you, our patients at Key Laser in Portland, have heard a lot about from us. Does it work? And, yes, we are talking about that crazy U.S. branding of platelet rich plasma, Vampire Lift®. And the answer is “YES!” Great work was shown on the infamous tear trough, the under eye hollowing showing improvement by using your own body’s healing agents – your blood drawn, platelet rich plasma.

Had a great time meeting with the head people at Regen. That’s how we take that one tube of blood and purify it to enrich the platelet count and to talk about getting support for a study that we might do at Key Laser…using PRP to improve aging hands. Meeting people like this really is the reason we will all have to travel, in all of our professions. The virtual world has become larger, but the real world still needs the almost magic of meeting face-to-face, or as the say in France, “tête-à-tête!”

What’s Hot on Sunday. First of all, it is much too early. Sunday morning on the way to my first session, which starts at 8am, I am wondering why even bother going to bed. All, I mean ALL of Paris is still asleep…the Metro, subway, is empty, except for the hardy few on there way to IMCAS. Great sessions, on what’s new in the technology and hear we are ahead of the curve, as always, at Key Laser.

Stay tuned! In a couple weeks, Dr. Key travels take to Boston to talk about the lifting and tightening he has been doing with ThermiSculpt.

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