
Key Laser’s Favorite Cosmetic Beauty Resources

Getting any sort of cosmetic work done, whether it’s major surgery or Botox® injections, used to be a totally taboo subject. Because of this, many of our patients still choose to keep Key Laser their secret. There is nothing wrong with this but it’s nice to see society start viewing things differently. It is always helpful to hear what other patients have to say about procedures that you yourself may be considering. Even the non-invasive procedures available at Key Laser can seem scary. So, we felt that having a list of outside resources to peruse would not only be useful in learning about various products and procedures, but fun too!

Beauty magazines are starting to cover cosmetic procedures along with anti-aging skin care products more and more. Every other month, there is a mention about CoolSculpting or Ultherapy. Two magazines now available are devoted only to beauty, covering a variety of subjects including anti-aging procedures and technologies, skin care lines, and cosmetics. New Beauty magazine deems itself ‘The Beauty Authority.’ New Beauty is very active on Facebook and Twitter and a fun community to follow.

The other ‘beauty only’ magazine is New You, which launched this January. This magazine doesn’t hide the fact that it focuses on stories about anti-aging beauty. It is so wonderful to see some major beauty magazines act like the fashion mags we all know and love. Plus, we love seeing what procedures celebrities, like Courtney Cox, get to stay looking young!

Another source to consider while researching cosmetic beauty is, which is a community of doctors and patients coming together to discuss procedures. You can find, share, and discuss any cosmetic treatment and get your questions answered from real doctors, like Dr. Key! See what real patients have to say about a variety of procedures!

And don’t forget, Key Laser strives to keep you informed about the latest and greatest in anti-aging skin care and technology. We distribute a monthly newsletter, share information daily on Facebook and Twitter, and we will continue to update our blog. You can also hear what actual patients have to say about Key Laser!

What information would you like to see Key Laser cover in our newsletter and on our blog? Leave a comment below!

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