Décolletage & Chest
In Portland, OR

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Your décolletage and the chest are often one of the areas that start to show age first. Wrinkles, sun damage, and sagging skin can make us look older than we are. Luckily, with the non-invasive options we offer at Key Laser Institute, you can fully rejuvenate the skin on your chest and be proud to show it off.

Causes of Décolletage & Chest Concerns

Wrinkles, dark spots, sun damage, and sagging skin can have a number of causes, including aging, exposure to the sun, genetics, and loss of elasticity.

How to Treat Décolletage & Chest Concerns


With Ultherapy, ultrasound energy is used to penetrate below the skin’s surface to stimulate collagen production and help you look as young as you feel. It can address visible signs of aging on the décolletage, chest, and face.


ThermiSmooth BODY is a smoothing and skin-tightening treatment that applies radiofrequency energy to increase collagen production. As the collagen slowly builds up in the skin over time, the skin will smooth out, tighten, and look more radiant.

IPL (BBL Photofacial)

At Key Laser Institute, we use the Sciton BroadBand Light machine, a non-invasive treatment option that uses intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy to address age spots, redness, sun-damaged skin, wrinkles, and freckles. By stimulating new collagen in the skin, you can have the flawless skin you’ve always wanted.


Fraxel is a laser skin resurfacing treatment that uses an intense beam of laser energy to improve skin tone and texture of your décolletage and chest. The laser targets damaged skin cells to trigger the body’s natural healing process and give you a more radiant complexion.

CO2 DOT Therapy

CO2 DOT laser treatments use targeted lasers to stimulate production of collagen in the skin and address deep lines and wrinkles on the chest.

Clear + Brilliant

Clear + Brilliant uses a fractional laser to make tiny injuries in the skin and stimulate collagen production, leaving you with healthy, revitalized skin. This innovative treatment can address lines, enlarged pores, and uneven skin tone and texture. How many laser treatments you need will depend on the results you’re looking for.

Picosure Focus

PicoSure FOCUS uses a process called skin cell activation. It causes the skin cells to release proteins that trigger the body’s natural healing process, increasing collagen and elastin production and leaving you with healthier, more radiant skin.

Am I A Candidate for Décolletage & Chest Rejuvenation?

Ideal candidates for décolletage and chest rejuvenation are adults who are in generally good health with realistic expectations and struggling with the sagging skin, wrinkles, and imperfections on their décolletage and chest. Patients should also be nonsmokers and not be pregnant or breastfeeding.

What to Know About Décolletage & Chest Rejuvenation

At Key Laser Institute, we want you to be as informed about the treatments you’re having done. With that in mind, let’s take a look at what you can expect from the décolletage and chest rejuvenation process.

Before Your Décolletage & Chest Treatment

How best to prepare for treatment depends on the treatment you’re having done. Generally, you’ll want to avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, and excess sun exposure before your appointment. We’ll give you specific, detailed instructions on what to do beforehand based on your treatment plan.

During Your Décolletage & Chest Treatment

What you can expect during treatment and how long it takes will depend on the specific treatment, but typically, with décolletage and chest rejuvenation treatments, you’ll either feel a slight warmth or a stinging sensation. Most patients tolerate it very well, but a local anesthetic is always available to ensure your comfort.

After Your Décolletage & Chest Treatment

After treatment, we’ll give you a full list of instructions on how best to take care of your skin. Your skin will likely be swollen and red, but those side effects will dissipate as your skin heals. You’ll want to avoid exposing your skin directly to the sun, avoid smoking and alcohol, and wear sunscreen for optimal results.

Schedule a Décolletage & Chest Treatment in Portland, OR

Ready to say goodbye fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, and sagging skin on your décolletage and chest? Dr. Key and our team at Key Laser Institute are here to help you address all your skin concerns with a customized treatment plan. Get started today by calling our Portland, OR office at (503) 291-1953 or using our online contact form.
