Lift & Tighten Skin
In Portland, OR

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Restore Youthful Vitality

No two people are exactly alike and no one cosmetic medical procedure will treat all signs of aging. In this area, only Dr. Key has the experience and expertise to create a unique treatment plan for each individual. And in this area, only the Key Laser Institute has the complete variety of skin rejuvenation treatments – including laser, light and energy – to prevent the signs of aging and restore a youthful vitality to your skin.

Available Treatments

When it comes to skin tightening procedures and treatments, there are a few options that we offer at Key Laser Institute. The best option for your needs will be discussed during your consultation with our accredited team.

Causes of Loose Skin

Loose or sagging skin is a natural product of the aging process. Collagen and elastin are two proteins that give the skin elasticity during youth, but can begin to fade as early as age 30. As collagen and elastin production fade, gravity pulls the skin down and causes skin laxity. Collagen and elastin production can fade for a variety of reasons, such as poor lifestyle habits, sun exposure, genetics, and more.

Sagging skin can also be caused by stretching. Events like pregnancy or significant weight loss can stretch the skin, making it difficult to contract once the body goes back to its previous shape. Traditionally, this type of loose skin has been the realm of plastic surgery, but the latest non-surgical skin tightening treatments now offer an alternative to an invasive surgical procedure.

Types of Skin Laxity

Loose skin can take many forms. In some cases, it can be overt, such as a turkey neck under the chin or excess skin on the arms and stomach after weight loss. In other cases, skin laxity can take the form of fine lines and wrinkles on the facial skin. Fortunately, both types can be treated with non-surgical skin tightening.

How to Treat Loose Skin

Skin tightening is no longer about surgery. It is now about the process of stimulating collagen production to naturally tighten loose skin. We can rebuild deeper collagen with our unique treatment plans, including combinations of Ultherapy Plus and ThermiSmooth. These options can add back the vital collagen that has been lost over time and create the lift that will take years off your appearance.

Am I a Candidate for Skin Tightening?

If you’re bothered by skin aging and skin laxity, you’re likely a good candidate for skin tightening treatments. Our team can assess your concerns about tightening loose skin and determine the best treatment options for your goals.

What to Know About Skin Tightening Treatments

Skin tightening often needs multiple treatment sessions to effectively boost collagen production. Although it comes with very little downtime, you may need a personalized package of regular treatments to get best results. Our team will map out a schedule according to your unique technologies and treatments.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about skin tightening, contact Key Laser Institute today by calling or filling out our online form.
