
Major Leap in Tattoo Removal Technology Offers Greater Results in Fewer Treatments

 PicoSure Works on More Colors to Meet Rising Patient Demand

Treatment is now possible for all colors of tattoos, not just black and reds, but really – for the first time – greens and blues. Fewer treatment sessions are needed than previous laser options required and patients see more complete removal on all colors of ink, according to CynoSure, the makers of PicoSure.

According to Medical Daily, PicoSure could be the most important tattoo removal advancement in history. The number of requests Key Laser receives for tattoo removal continues to increase and prior technology for removal had seen limited success – especially with light colored tattoos. Previous technologies did not work on all skin types and could damage the skin.

Tattoo Regret


1 in 5 people regret a tattoo
and and a majority of middle-aged American’s seek removal. Why? Interests change, lives change, fads change – reasons are as varied as the number of tattoos. A study conducted by The Patient’s Guide reported 40% of tattoo removal patients cited employment concerns. Whatever the reason, we want to be offering the best options for our patients and PicoSure appears to offer the most promising results in the history of laser medicine.

How PicoSure Tattoo Removal Works

It’s all about energy compression – pulses of laser energy delivered in remarkably quick succession. Previously, tattoo removal was done with lasers using pulses of light in nanoseconds (a few billionths of a second). That sounds pretty impressive, but it wasn’t fast enough to achieve the kinds of clearance patients wanted. PicoSure increases that energy pulse speed another thousand fold to the next threshold – picoseconds (one trillionth of a second in length).
 Tests by PicoSure have shown this energy compression improves by leaps and bounds tattoo removal, both in fewer treatment sessions in greater clearing of tattoos. This breakthrough also allows for choice of the wavelength colors of laser light, which means success can now be achieved with greens and blues, rather than just blacks and reds.

Do you want a tattoo removed?

Feel free to contact us with any questions you have or schedule a consultation to see if PicoSure is right for you.

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