
Sculpsure vs. Coolsculpting: What You Need to Know

While summer is still a couple of months away, many of our patients are starting to hit the gym more frequently to prepare their physiques for beachside vacations and travel. However, physical activity can only go so far in helping remove excess fat from a figure. Even with an aggressive gym regimen and strict diet, some people can still find themselves with stubborn pockets of fat. To help remove these unwanted lumps, many turn to non-invasive body sculpting treatments such as SculpSure and CoolSculpting. But which of these is best for your body?

What is CoolSculpting?

As one of the first FDA-approved body sculpting procedures to hit the market, CoolSculpting is among the most popular solutions for patients looking for a way to shed the last few stubborn inches without surgery. This procedure relies on the process of cryolipolysis to freeze and permanently destroy fat cells in target areas, leaving behind a more toned and sculpted figure.

The Benefits of CoolSculpting

Many benefits come with CoolSculpting. For starters, the non-surgical nature of this treatment means that patients can avoid the lengthy preparation and recovery associated with traditional body sculpting procedures like liposuction. Furthermore, because the treatment specifically targets only fat cells, the surrounding tissue is left unharmed. Patients can also target several different parts of their bodies with the CoolSculpting applicator, making it a versatile treatment option. While individuals may experience some swelling and bruising during the weeks following treatment, they are usually able to return to their regular routine within a day after treatment.

Things to Consider with CoolSculpting

Although the non-invasive nature of CoolSculpting offers a number of benefits, it can also present some factors to contemplate. For instance, patients can only target so much tissue during each session, due to the size of the CoolSculpting applicator. As a result, many patients often require multiple treatment sessions spread out over the course of several months to achieve their desired results. Additionally, CoolSculpting relies on the body’s metabolism in order to process out the dead fat cells and create noticeable results, which may take some time.

What is SculpSure?

While fairly new to the body sculpting market, SculpSure is another promising non-invasive option for men and women looking to smooth away stubborn fat tissue and reveal a toned figure. During this FDA-approved procedure, light energy is applied to target areas and destroys fat cells via targeted heat. The dead cells are then metabolized out of the body, leaving patients looking more sculpted.

How Do CoolSculpting and SculpSure Differ?

The primary difference between these two treatments is the method and technology used. CoolSculpting, as the name suggests, utilizes cooling technology to freeze fat cells so that your body can dispose of them once they die off. SculpSure, on the opposite side of the spectrum, heats the fat cells with lasers to destroy them. While they both can have their fair share of side effects, such as redness and bruising, they can have about the same level of effectiveness as well.

Get Started at Key Laser Institute

Every patient has unique needs that require a tailored treatment strategy. At Key Laser Institute, we pride ourselves on offering the latest cosmetic treatment options designed to help each individual reach their realistic aesthetic goals. Through in-depth consultations, Portland specialist Dr. Key is able to recommend the CoolSculpting treatment plan for every patient. To learn more about our available body contouring treatments, call Key Laser Institute today or schedule your visit online.

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