
Treating Acne Scars With PicoSure FOCUS

Having beautiful, smooth skin without the typical discomfort and downtime of traditional laser technology is possible with the cutting-edge PicoSure FOCUS.

Key Laser Institute offers this groundbreaking laser to remove unwanted hyperpigmentation, minimize fine lines, and reduce acne scarring. The treatment delivers ultra-brief energy pulses to gently eliminate pigment without harming your skin. In addition, PicoSure’s advanced technology makes smooth skin texture possible without much downtime.

PicoSure FOCUS is unique because it produces results like ablative lasers without pre-treatment and a lengthy recovery. Immediately after your laser session, you may have brief redness and minor swelling that only require minimal downtime.

How PicoSure FOCUS Works

PicoSure FOCUS uses groundbreaking picosecond laser technology to address your cosmetic concerns, including sun damage, brown spots, pigmented lesions, or freckles. In addition, PicoSure FOCUS is an effective option to resolve acne scarring.

The laser pulses activate your body’s elastin and collagen production to create healthy skin cellsThe localized thermal energy does not harm the surrounding skin, giving you an impressive outcome in short order. PicoSure FOCUS is safe on dark and light skin tones, especially as an acne scar treatment.

How Does PicoSure FOCUS Treat Acne Scarring?

PicoSure FOCUS laser treatment is FDA-cleared for acne scarring anywhere on the body. While we recommend a series of sessions for optimal results, acne scars typically show improvement in as few as three appointments.

PicoSure FOCUS laser employs pulses of laser light lasting trillionths of a second to reach your skin’s deeper layers and supporting structure. In addition, it rebuilds elastin and collagen levels. As a result, it is a quick and straightforward treatment that treats hyperpigmentation associated with acne scars.

While acne scars’ textural component is permanent, medical treatment can diminish their appearance over time. We’ll explain what improvements you can expect during your consultation.

What Happens During a PicoSure FOCUS Appointment?

One PicoSure FOCUS session typically lasts 30 minutes to an hour. It is highly tolerable after we apply a topical numbing cream to the treatment area. Scarring will whiten during treatment, darken for a few days, and ultimately shed away. As a result, most patients can resume their normal activities soon after treatment. Any blush or redness is temporary, and you can feel free to return to work and social obligations. Most people see ideal results after three to six sessions spaced two to four weeks apart.

Why Choose Key Laser for PicoSure FOCUS?

Dr. Keyand his team offer the latest laser technologies and non-invasive cosmetic procedures. Your journey will begin with a private consultation with Dr. Key to assess your cosmetic concerns and address your dermatological needs. Everyone in our practice pledges to deliver optimal acne scar treatment, with your safety and comfort at the forefront of our concerns. Schedule your consultation for PicoSure FOCUS in Portland, OR, by calling (503) 291-1953 or contacting Key Laser online today! We look forward to helping you achieve your cosmetic goals soon.

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