
Pucker Up Much? Then it’s Time to Talk about Collagen and Lip Lines!

Ever think much about how often you pucker up? I mean really, we do it all the time and I’m not just talking about kissing! Sipping through a straw, blowing up birthday balloons, whistling, blowing on hot soup, and yes, blowing kisses – we’re puckering up all the time. If anything shows our age, number one on the list is probably lip lines.

As we age, collagen and elastin naturally begin to break down causing our skin to lose both volume and elasticity. A lifetime of puckering – a repetitive motion that actually breaks collagen and elastin – only adds to the problem.  You may never have smoked, not even one cigarette, but if you say the letter “O” and have spent some time in the sun, lip lines and deep vertical wrinkles around the mouth appear for everyone.

So, what to do about it? You’re certainly not going to stop puckering or blowing kisses (I dare you to try!), so maybe it’s time to consider putting aging into reverse gear by building back new collagen to help soften (if not erase) those lines and folds. Collagen building is the fix that restores your skin’s volume and reduces those deep lines.

And for collagen building, you need to turn on collagen regeneration. To treat these pesky lip lines and build collagen, we combine microneedle delivered radiofrequency energy (INFINI) for collagen induction, combined with your own body’s healing accelerator, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). PRP is microinjected with hyaluronic acid into fine lines and deeper folds for additional collagen building stimulus. This combination treatment (unique to Key Laser) has a downtime of only a few days – or about a weekend –  and gives results that are longer lasting and more natural than filler alone.

When it comes to repairing or preventing age revealing pucker lines, it’s never too early! Why not stop the onset of deep lines before they give away your age, or worse, make you look years older? Schedule your free, no-obligation consultation today and discover what we can do for you.

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