Category Archives: Aging Prevention

Top Tips for Healthy Aging

You’ll find no shortage of anti-aging products and tricks in the skin care aisle of your local drugstore or the glossy pages of a magazine. But with so much information, it can be challenging to know what claims are genuinely effective and which are only wishful thinking. Dr. Douglas Key in Portland, Oregon, helps his… Read More

Tackle Loose Skin with ThermiTight

Even by following a healthy, low-stress lifestyle with a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and plenty of sleep, we can’t stop the aging process. Premature skin drooping due to weight loss, genetics, environmental damage, or simply the passage of time leads to the slowing down of our collagen production and skin elasticity loss. Skin slackness is… Read More

The Best Skincare Products for Oily/Dry/Combination/Sensitive Skin

Regardless of your skin type, age, lifestyle, genetics, or the climate where you live, you will encounter challenges every day on the best way to take care of your skin. The careful skin regimen you have been following for years may not be working as well for you now that you are a little older…. Read More

Getting ahead of the curve!

You are never too young to start taking care of your skin. You are also never too old, but truth be told, the best time to start is before the signs of aging become evident. As they say, prevention is the best medicine, and this is certainly true when it comes to preserving a youthful… Read More

Sunscreen Basics for the Summer and Beyond: A Guide to Your Most Essential Beauty Product

Slather it on all summer long but don’t forget to save some for a rainy day. Some call it sunscreen; we call it the fountain of youth. It is never too late to enjoy the benefits of this most essential beauty product.  Most people appreciate its power to prevent uncomfortable burns but sunscreen has the… Read More

My Face Looks Tired, What Can I Do?

Do you look tired, even after a full night’s rest? We hear this common complaint from our patients almost every day. Give your appearance a wakeup call, at the Key Laser Institute. We can’t make you look 18 again, but we can help you to feel young and vibrant – and look NATURAL! – while… Read More

Let Your Beauty Bloom This Spring with Botox

Flowers are blooming, but why should they have all the fun? This spring come into Key Laser and let your beauty blossom. With Botox you can smooth away those pesky wrinkles and embrace a younger looking you. What Is Botox? Every time you smile, laugh, cry, or frown, your muscles contract. This pushes and pulls… Read More

The Best Non-Invasive Treatments for Looking Younger

When people think of effective ways to turn back time on their aging, they usually go to more drastic options, like cosmetic surgery. Now, thanks to cutting-edge advancements in cosmetic technology, non-surgical treatments are providing more effective treatments without the need for long recovery times and drastic side effects. The best doctors know that not… Read More

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